Pilgrims of Hope: Journeying Together in Faith, Hope and Charity
Whether your gift is a one-time, paid-in-full gift or an installment of a pledged gift, please make your
check payable to:
Diocese of Metuchen-Bishop’s Annual Appeal Foundation
Mail to:
PO Box 4000
Metuchen, NJ 08840-4000
Gifts to support the Bishop's Annual Appeal can be made online by accessing our Secure Online Donations Site. Your gift is tax-deductible.
To donate to the 2023 Bishop's Annual Appeal, click here.
For more information, click here.
Choosing to pledge with your desired payment schedule over time may allow you to be more generous. Monthly reminders will be sent
Complete your gift and credit card information on your pledge card or visit our secure online giving site.
Federal tax laws allow a charitable deduction for the full market value of stock or securities on the date they are gifted. Appreciated securities can provide an attractive means of giving. A gift of securities can be made by transferring stock to the Diocese of Metuchen.
For a guide, click here
How to make a Gift of Stock or Securities
Planned giving is a thoughtful way for donors to extend their gift beyond their lifetime to support the Diocese of Metuchen and to ensure that our Church and ministries remain vibrant and filled with hope for future generations.
Matching gifts allow you to increase your contribution at no additional cost to you. Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage their employees to contribute to charitable organizations.
Download the Matching Gift Brochure
In a world seeking renewal and hope, the Church of Metuchen continues to answer the call of Jesus Christ to "Love your God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself." This inner call strengthend by our daily prayer and sacrifice reminds each of our journey as missionary disciples. Your donation is important to building up our Church and supports our promise of renewal.