Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we celebrate the Liturgical Feast of the Presentation of the Lord today, we are reminded of the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph bringing the infant Christ to the Temple, along with the customary offerings. It is here that Christ is recognized as the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies and the “light to enlighten the nations.” The Presentation prefigures Christ offering himself to the Father through his death on the cross, with His mother Mary standing at the foot of the cross, which ultimately brought the bright light of the resurrection.
In these challenging and sad times in which we are living, marked by isolation, loss and disruption, it can often be difficult to see the light of goodness in that which is happening around us, both in our world and in our own diocese too. Much of what we read and hear about in the news can cause us to worry and lose hope.
Yet, in a particular way, we are reminded today that the light of Christ is enough to bring about hope for even the most destitute. The gift of His light is entrusted to each of us, to every Christian, so that we may bear the light of Christ to all the world. It is with this light that we fulfill our mission of Charity and carry out the words of Jesus Christ: “what you do to the least, you have done to me.” (MT 25:40)
It is through this mission, the social mission of the Church – concern for all those who experience the darkness of poverty, abuse, addiction, homelessness and hunger – that the light of Christ shines.
The Church's mission of Charity brings light to those in darkness. In every age, the Church must be true to her mission by her outreach, care and concern for those that the world has forgotten. Every aspect of Catholic Charities is an opportunity for more of Christ's light to shine brightly, scattering darkness and illuminating the truth that every person is a beloved child of God and our brother and sister in the family of mankind.
I am grateful for the good work of our Catholic Charities, whose tireless efforts have been a beacon of light for so many in these seemingly dark days. When the rest of the world came to a halt because of the pandemic, the work of Catholic Charities continued in spite of it and even increased because of it. They are indeed the hands and feet of Christ in our local Church. This pandemic has shown us more than ever the increasing need for the charitable presence of the Church.
In an effort to be ever more efficient, effective and far reaching regarding the mission of Charity that Our Lord entrusts to His Church, I have established a new secretariat in our diocese – the Secretariat for Charity. A secretariat is a grouping of related ministries within the diocesan curia, which supports me in my shepherding responsibilities.
With the establishment of this new secretariat, the essential mission of Charity that shows forth the face of Christ like no other to hurting people in need will be more integrally incorporated into all aspects of diocesan and parish life. I have appointed Anthony P. Kearns III, Esq., who also serves as our diocesan chancellor, to lead our new Secretariat for Charity as the Chief Executive Officer. He will also serve as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. I have named Julio Coto, who has so capably served our Catholic Charities, as the Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen.
May this effort of reorganization for the sake of the mission of Charity further advance a civilization of love and rekindle in all our people a deeper desire and greater impetus to put love into action. I pray that you may experience the presence of Christ's love in your own life and continually pray that His love may be known and experienced more profoundly throughout the entire Church of Metuchen.
As we work to mindfully integrate the Church’s mission of Charity in all that we do, I ask that you please pray for the least of our brothers and sister, those hurting and in need. I also ask you to remember in your prayers our new secretariat and all those who, by their work and ministry, bring forth the face of Christ to so many in desperate situations. Please know of my love and prayers for you and in your kindness, I ask that you please pray for me too.
With renewed best wishes, I remain
Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA
Bishop of Metuchen