Each day standing at the Altar during the Offertory of the Mass priests pray, “Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation…” The offering of the gifts of bread and wine during each Mass reminds us that they are the fruit of the earth and of the vine and that through the work of human hands they become our spiritual gifts. These gifts are the result of God’s goodness and the farmer who first planted, tended and harvested them for our use in worship.
Here in the Diocese of Metuchen, the newly established Catholic Rural Life Ministry will address and strengthen the faith and the needs of our brothers and sisters who have a vocation to the care of God’s creation through farming – particularly in the western part of our four-county diocese.
This unique ministry is intended not only to aid those engaged in agriculture in our rural areas, but also to foster the spiritual formation of all the faithful of the diocese to understand the unique role those engaged in farming have in cooperating with God as they bring forth the fruits of the earth for our benefit and nourishment.