September is National Recovery Month, a time during which we celebrate those who have achieved recovery and continue our support of those still working toward it. During this time, we, the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey, are renewing our commitment to helping those suffering from various forms of addiction and we are calling on all Catholics and people of good will to join us in praying for, supporting, and encouraging those working toward recovery.
Twenty years ago today, 2,996 lives were lost in terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C. and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. That staggering figure includes citizens of 78 countries, 343 firefighters and paramedics, 23 New York City police officers and 37 Port Authority police officers. It includes the 184 lives lost at the Pentagon building and the 44 lives lost in Shanksville. It includes too the lives of the 19 militants who carried out the unspeakable horror.
My dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Many areas of our beautiful Diocese of Metuchen, like many other parts our state, were significantly impacted by historic flooding and storms last night from the remnants of Hurricane Ida, which had already torn through Louisiana, leaving over a million there without power and with serious damage.