Due to ongoing concerns about the Covid-19 pandemic, the Synod 2023 Listening Sessions originally scheduled to take place on Jan. 25, have been postponed. More information and the new date(s) for
the Listening Sessions will be announced in the coming weeks. In the meantime, all are invited to visit the Diocese of Metuchen's website,
diometuchen.org/synod2023, to share their feedback by completing the online questionnaire.
While the 2023 Synod Listening Sessions have been postponed, the Eucharistic Forty Hours in each of the eight deaneries in the Diocese of Metuchen will still be held beginning on Sunday, January 23, and ending on Tuesday, January 25. This opportunity for prayer, to listen to what the Lord is asking of us, will set the tone for our future listening sessions. To view the list of hosting parishes, visit: