The program entails four years of academic, spiritual and pastoral formation. Graduate level credits will be given for these academic courses from Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University. Currently, classes are held on Monday and Thursday evenings at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center in Piscataway, NJ. Candidates holding an undergraduate degree will be awarded a Masters Degree in Theology and all others will be awarded a ministry certificate.
While the program provides competence within a specialized Church ministry, the curriculum and methodology are not intended to be a condensed theological course for the priesthood. Applicants are already prepared in other fields with valuable, practical, and often professional skills. The formation program will enrich their capabilities in applying these skills to the Diaconate. Field education is designed to integrate theory and practice. Supervised field-ministry assignments offer numerous opportunities for learning about service in the diocese and the variety of ministries available.
The program is based on the assumption the candidates are mature adults and will accept responsibility for their own learning. They are required to participate in class and group discussions, and share their faith and ministry experiences openly. They must be able to communicate their knowledge and experiences to others both orally and in writing.
Course Requirements
The four year formation program covers a wide range of subjects and practical experiences. Participants must complete a total of 36 credits and attend designated workshops:
Required Courses
Revelation & Faith | Trinity |
Synoptic Gospels | Sacramental Theology (Initiation, Healing, Service |
Spirituality of Old Testament | Ecclesiology |
Christian Anthropology | Introduction to Preaching |
Christology | Intro to Pauline & Johannine Literature |
Fundamental Themes in Moral Theology | Worship of the Church |
History of Christianity | Theology of the Spiritual Life |
Deacon candidates are required to participate in a series of workshops and training over a four-year period. Wives of candidates are required to attend 3 workshops per year of their choosing. In addition, workshops on various pastoral issues and concerns are offered each year by experts in theology, spirituality, and liturgy. Additional courses, such as Canon Law and Ritual Practicum, are provided by the diocese.
Spiritual Formation
Throughout the formation process, candidates will experience a deepening of their knowledge and appreciation of sacred scripture and doctrinal studies. Their pastoral experience will lead them to a greater sensitivity in their relationships with other deacons, priests and bishops, and will strengthen their effectiveness in ministering to the needs of the People of God.
By participating together in various spiritual programs, married candidates and their wives will find that their relationship will grow and their marriage will strengthen.
The deacon candidates are required to have personal spiritual directors from the very beginning of their formational journey. They will assist the aspirant/candidate in their growth and in their reflection on the vocation of the Diaconate. The spiritual director of the unmarried applicant will prepare him to take the oath of perpetual celibacy at ordination.
Candidacy, Lector, Acolyte, and Ordination
Aspirants will progress through candidacy and the ministries of lector and acolyte during the formation program. Candidates who successfully complete the program will be ordained at the end of the fourth year.
Continuing Education
Once ordained, deacons are expected to continue their education by participating in formal courses, workshops, seminars and spiritual growth programs.
For married candidates, wives play a significant role in responding to their husband’s call to the Diaconate. While they have no obligation to participate in all of the training sessions, they are required to attend three workshops per year of their own choosing. In addition, they may be asked to attend a day of recollection.
Since the wife’s consent is required for her husband to enter the program and to be ordained, it is essential that she have a complete and thorough understanding of the extent of her spouse’s commitment and of her role and sacrifices in supporting his ministry as an ordained deacon.
The selection of candidates will begin with a General Information Meeting held during the Spring of the recruiting year for men and their wives who are interested in the Diaconate. At the conclusion of the meeting, those who wish to be considered for Aspirancy will be asked to read a book about the ministry of Deacon and take a Faith Inventory assessment. At the conclusion of these steps, the inquirer will be asked to complete a comprehensive application form. After the application has been reviewed, the inquirer will proceed to the psychological evaluation. The entire inquiry phase will last approximately 10 – 12 months that will conclude with the submission of names to the Bishop for final approval. .
Should a review of the application and other documents indicate that the applicant cannot be considered for the program, he will be informed at that time.
If at any point in the selection process the Admission Board feels it is not in the best interest of the Diaconate or the applicant to proceed further, he will be informed.
Men interested in becoming candidates for the Diaconate in the Diocese of Metuchen should take the following steps: