Welcome to the CYM Sports League of the Diocese of Metuchen. This page is intended to be a resource for athletic/site directors and coaches involved in the diocesan basketball league. Let's play ball!
- Bob Berger, diocesan CYM Sports League Coordinator
The CYM Sports League is an outreach of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen. The main objective of this league is to offer to as many Catholic young people as possible the opportunity to play, grow and develop in a healthy and competitive environment. The philosophy of this league is to build the kingdom of God among us one player and one game at a time.
Contact Information
If you have any issues and/or concerns, please refer them to your parish/school "Athletic Director" and/or "Site Director." This will expedite any resolution. For more information about the CYM Basketball League, please contact Bob Berger, diocesan CYM Sports League Coordinator, at Cymbasketballleague@gmail.com. To learn about additional youth programs, contact the Diocese of Metuchen Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at (732) 243-4575 or email youth.ministry@diometuchen.org.