Leveraging a host of traditional and digital media platforms, the Office of Communications and Public Relations serves to inform, educate and inspire the faithful by increasing awareness of the various offices and ministries and by telling the story of the Diocese of Metuchen. The Office serves as a resource and partners with diocesan offices and ministries to create communication materials that are consistent in style, voice and brand identity.
Bulletin Editor Announcements are sent out to Parish Bulletin Editors who opt-in to receive updates from the Office of Communications and Public Relations. The announcements are regularly sent on the first Friday of the month and include links to the diocesan pastoral newsletter. To receive these updates, please contact the Office of Communications and Public Relations at communications@diometuchen.org
The Office of Communications and Public Relations writes all news and press releases regarding the Church of Metuchen. If you are a journalist, please contact the Office of Communications and Public Relations.
The Diocese of Metuchen's Office of Communications and Public Relations is proud to be a Member of the Catholic Media Association.