Blessed World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life and doubly blessed this Jubilee Year, the year of grace!
You, who are our Anchoress, Consecrated Virgins, Nuns, Sisters, Brothers, and Priests, have enriched our Diocese of Metuchen in countless ways by both your prayers and good works. Together you illumine the Father's love and His plan of salvation for humanity. In your calling, charism and varied missions, you accompany people, showing them how to be pilgrims who press forward steadfast in hope, the hope that does not disappoint.
Our local church of Metuchen joins me today in offering prayer of praise and thanksgiving to our heavenly Father for you. With every sacrifice you make you lift high the cross of Christ, proclaiming His love anew. May you receive the grace to experience the meaning of this Jubilee Year fully and to know the immense joy of this 2025 World Day for Consecrated Life.
In your kindness, please continue to pray for me that I remain the shepherd you need and deserve. Also, please continue to pray to our Lady of Guadalupe for our diocese as we renew our consecration to her. Lastly, be assured of my prayers and gratitude for you always.
With renewed best wishes, I remain
Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA Bishop of Metuchen