Inquiry sessions DO NOT assume a commitment to join the Catholic Faith family. Inquiry sessions are opportunities to ask questions about God, Jesus, the Catholic Faith Family.All who are unbaptized, baptized into another faith denomination, or baptized Catholic but have not received Eucharist or Confirmation, are invited. Inquiry sessions are for those who wish to inquire, explore, and search for ways to grow in relationship with God.
Inquirers are invited to attend an Inquiry Session until they make a decision about becoming part of the Catholic Faith Family. If they decide to be baptized into the Catholic Faith, or to become a fully initiated member of the Catholic Faith, then they are invited to continue in the process called the Rite of Initiation of Adults (RCIA) which will lead to the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism (for those who are unbaptized), Confirmation and Eucharist.
The Rite of Christian Initiation is not a program.
The process of spiritual renewal and catechesis should not be hasty, especially for those not accustomed to the fasts and feasts and Sundays and seasons the way Catholics observe them. The Christian Initiation of Adults must be integrated into the Easter Vigil, except in exceptional circumstances. The Reception of Baptized Christians Into The Full Communion Of The Catholic Church may take place at any Mass, whenever the candidate is ready to make a Profession of Faith and/or receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
It is the church's way of ministering sensitively to those who seek membership. For that reason some people will need more time than others to prepare for the lifetime commitment that comes with membership in the Catholic Church. The usual length of preparation is from one to two years. For those already baptized and who seek full communion in the Catholic church, the time will also vary. It seems reasonable that catechumens or uncatechized candidates experience the yearly calendar of Catholic practice at least one time around in order to make an informed decision.
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, call your parish office and ask about RCIA. You can find a list of parish offices and their telephone numbers using the Parish finder on the home page. You can also contact us at the Office of RCIA
If you are a fully initiated Catholic and are interested in joining an RCIA team, call your parish office and ask for the RCIA director. You can find a list of parish offices and their telephone numbers using the Parish finder on the home page. You can also contact us at the Office of RCIA.
Yes. A person cannot enter into the full sacramental life of the Catholic Church unless one is completely free to receive the sacraments. Convalidation of an irregular marriage (performed outside the Catholic Church) of a catechumen or a candidate should be completed before the sacraments of initiation are celebrated at the Easter Vigil.
Once a person has become a catechumen (the result of celebrating the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens), that person is a member of the household of faith and has certain rights in the Church. Among them is the right to be married according to the Catholic Rite of Marriage.
It is advisable to convalidate the marriage as early in the RCIA process as possible.